Jmorphman (Best effect for custom combos using helpers) Phantom of the server (best sparks and best style for ground fighting) Infinite and Akira = For great chars in which I use as a template during conversion Dampir (Best KOF sprites to CVS converter, it's an honor to be able to use these sprites in this char) Racionais Mc's (Famous Brazilian group of RAP, to which I used the instrumental base of the song "Vida Loka Parte 2" as background for the FDR EASY CONFIGURATION). VirtuallTeck (creators of Fighter Factory)

Fall Recovery: 2p / a + x (while falling and allowed) Zero Counter: B, DB, D, p / k (during standing or crouching guard) Sankaku Tobi: UF / UB (in air, near edge of screen) American Final Tackle: D, DF, F, D, DF, F, p+k Galaxy Cyclone (MAX): D, DF, F, D, DB, B, p American Supernova (MAX): D, DF, F, D, DF, F, p Big Bang Tackle (MAX): D, DF, F, D, DF, F, k Shoulder Backbreaker: Buster Bomb D, D, p Tiger Driver: Shoulder Backbreaker D, D, k Have the name of the previous move and the name of the next move.

*Combinations used after the "Brian Hammer", the combinations Screw Body Press (EX): D, DF, F, p (aerial) (MAX) - Use two punch/kick buttons when performing a Super move to power it up. (EX) - Move has an EX version, performed by pressing two punch/kick buttons. (Air) - Move must be performed in the air. New Super combo added: California Dreamĭ - down y - medium punch b - medium kickį - forward z - heavy punch c - heavy kick Gameplay, graphics, character voices, among other effects can be changed in the file "config.txt". Details and moves taken from her various video game appearances (A Facebook group based on issues and creations related to engine mugen, giving priority to POTS-style conversions and similar styles (POTS / Infinite or POTS / Divinewolf). =| Brian Battler POTS/Infinite by Falcon Rapper |=