The error message will appear that authorization failed – No longer allowed to view files.The application will stay on the login page and take a long time to load.Files and folders will not synchronize with File Stream.Many cloud experts have reported that the inability of the Google Drive File Stream is a common problem and even when the user has signed in to the application, then it will stop synchronizing data routinely. If the File Stream present in your computer has stopped synchronizing or showing the online data, then you need to recognize the correct cause and troubleshoot accordingly. How to remove Google Drive File Stream not working issue? The changes will reflect on all devices where the user opens Google Drive. The cached files will synchronize back to the cloud when the connection is established again. The user can also access the files in an offline manner. Google makes sure that the application is updated with the latest version. Any changes in the application are directly synchronized at the cloud and represented everywhere. It frees the hard drive space and internet bandwidth.

The application streams the online files and folders present in Google Drive directly to the user’s Windows and Mac computers. The application removes the need to upload and download files and folders in a web browser at Google Drive. It is the synchronization application that connects your desktop data directly to online Google Drive. Google Drive File Stream is now known as Google Drive for Desktop.